

1&1 is the searching system of Germany known enough and popular among users. She was created and start for work in the mode of search at the beginning of 2003.

Two initiative young engineer-programmers became her creators from Hannover is Friz Chtark  and Mark Ficherman. Creation of this searching system was not for them something serious, the work they examined as a hobby and special hopes on a project they did not lay originally. They did not begin to invent something revolutionary, and took for basis the results of search, given by the searching machine of IncTomi.

At the beginning of 2004, except the function of search and searching line in an interface the row of other functions and services that helped to accelerate a search on certain directions appeared: weather, online shops, news, sport, games, social networks et cetera.

In November, 2004 for this search engine his creators found a solvent sponsor that began to finance the program of advancement of search engine in the internet space of Germany and Austria. Essence of this advertisement program consisted of bringing in of users speaking in German language, that would use the searching line of 1&1 for a search in the internet of the German resources.

Hired began to give the results already in a middle 2005 year, when searching system of 1&a 1 1,3 percent of users of Germany put at the first place on frequency of her use.

By the end 2005 year were conducted work on the improvement of activity of search engine of 1&1. In particular, the results of search, given by the searching machine of IncTomi, were extended. 

Language limitations that were stopped up originally were similarly cleaned, now this search engine could man-hunt on more than 70 languages of the world.

To advantages of the searching system of 1&1, first of all, it is needed to take absence of advertisement, both on the main page of interface of the system and in the results of searching delivery. Income and facilities, necessary for work of the searching system, administration presently gets exceptionally from sponsors.

To the defects it is needed to take subzero quality of search of images and graphic materials. On delivery these data are not systematized and get to the user chaotically, that creates inconvenience at a study and consideration of results of search. 

It is presently needed to mark the next jump of popularity of 1&1 among the users of not only Germany but also other countries especially Slavic. This success of the searching system among the users of these countries it is possible to explain both simplicity of search and quality of the given out results.

Presently developers becoming already popular enough searching system of 1&1 busy at development and introduction of new services, that, undoubtedly, will be able to heave up visited of pages of this search engine and increase the number of users of the system. It is planned to start for work an own small social network and mini chat for the direct commonunication of visitors of 1&1. For realization of these projects administration of the system plans to increase the capacity of the active servers in three times.

Presentation of new projects is pre-arranged on the end of November, 2013.



StartPins is the well-known European social network and internet portal simultaneously. It is a guide-book on a row the internet of resources, such as news, weather, online shops, musical and entertaining web-sites, similarly the well ramified social network that is related to Facebook and Twitter. Among all other, StartPins gives to the users and function of search necessary the internet of resources through the searching line located in overhead part of interface of portal.

The social network of StartPins began the work in 2004 from the test modes, and by the end 2005 year got all power. For short time she conquered a large enough audience among the young generation of countries of Western and East Europe, main character, due to a volume and quality given information and social services. 

StartPins gives to the users fast access in popular and widespread social networks, in the own network, and similarly possibility to carry out the search of resources through a searching line.

For searching functions administration of StartPins made decision not to create an own searching machine or searching catalogue, that would demand considerable material and intellectual expenses, what at guidance of StartPins in the moment of cut-in in a sufficient amount it was not. It was therefore made decision what to take advantage of searching machine and database given already by the known enough searching company IncTomi. That was it is realized with success.

The function of search on StartPins is simple enough. Neither the interface of searching line nor results of search at delivery does not have an annoying advertisement, that attracts users. The second considerable advantage of search on StartPins is quality given out information and depth of search, that characteristically for all search engines working on the basis of searching machine of IncTomi.

Presently the social network of StartPins becomes growingly popular, that increases the number of users that use service of search directly from the main page of network. In opinion of analysts, a network to date already counts more than million users, and their number grows.



PeoplePC is the recently created social network that only began to develop and to get of the admirers and users. By the creator of project PeoplePC became American the internet corporation Frago inc., that presented the project in November, 2012 and started it for work in the internet.

This social network is not the some special as compared to the already popular colleagues, she has all the same attributes that is inherent and other. But however, a distinguishing and special feature from other PeoplePC has. She is adapted and created for mobile the internet of facilities. 

The social network of PeoplePC only begins to collect the users and conquer the admirers, for this his administration does all possible and not possible. It and universal advertisement in networks, and requiring payment distributions of reports, and different privileges for FTUS. One of facilities for bringing in of users is an enormous amount of the services given by a social network.

And on the main page of network a searching line that allows to the users to man-hunt in the internet of necessary resources is present one of services of PeoplePC.

Not many known social networks and portals can boast the searching system. Can not boast her while and PeoplePC. Presently the programmers of PeoplePC are conduct works on creation of own searching machine that would work on principle of search on social networks, but presently made decision guidance of PeoplePC to use a searching machine and results of search for a search, given Google.

Unfortunately, the searching functions of search engine of PeoplePC are adjusted so that a search comes true exceptionally only in English language, here the search of images is not conducted quite, that very perniciously affects on popularity of search engine of PeoplePC among users.

As a positive moment, it should be noted circumstance that the searching line of PeoplePC allows separately to conduct a search for the internet to the shops and web-sites that offer tourist trips.

As advantages of search engine of PeoplePC it is possible similarly to mark absence of advertisement in the results of delivery of ascable an user web-sites.

Social network of PeoplePC, as well as searching system PeoplePC, perspective enough projects that work on the improvement of the work and bringing in the rows of users, therefore about popularity of them it will be possible to judge through set time.



Metasearch.com or, as she is yet named on the basic constituent of domen, search.com - West-European meta searching system that was worked out by the programmers-enthusiasts of a few European countries. An aim of creation of the searching system is realization of new technologies in area of realization of search in the internet. In other words, creation of this searching system was an experiment on introduction new at that time meta search the internet of resources. 

In the plans of creators of the system initially did not enter to create a competition to the leading search engines of the world, that were a success for users. It was assumed that the system would be able to bring over to itself attention only in the certain circles of young people that is interested in innovations in area of the internet of technologies. But already the first days of work of Metasearch.com became clear that the system will have the future and success with users, first of all, due to the simplicity in the use, good depth of search and absence of advertisement on the main page of interface of search engine.

Prosecution of creation of search of Metasearch.com were begun at the beginning of 2002 and came to an end a start for work of the system after monthly tests in January, 2003. Presentation of the system took place on January, 12, 2003 in the conference hall of the Berlin university.

At the beginning of the work there is the searching system Metasearch.com man-hunted only on the English and German languages, but modernisation of the system passed from 2006, here a search was extended and presently produced yet on a few European languages. 

Searching system Metasearch.com has a simple enough and accessible for users interface with an original searching machine that works on principle of meta search, that allows to the users to find necessary information on a set in the searching line of searching phrases or symbols.

Presently by the searching robot of machine Metasearch.com is investigational about 3 million pages of web-sites on 10 European languages, that allows in a certain measure to satisfy the queries of users that man-hunt. 

It is needed yet to mark that this searching system does not have serious sponsors that substantially would support her in a financial plan. Facilities on existence administration of the searching system gets from profits for the advertisement of resources that is given out in the given results of search on the first 4-5 places.

To the lacks of the searching system Metasearch.com it is possible to take long time enough, that leaves on indexation of new resources and renewed pages, that testifies to imperfection of searching machine of the system.

Not looking on the defects, system Metasearch.com is a success in the wide circles of student in Germany, Austria and Great Britain, and similarly in other English-language the world countries. On the last the internet to questioning, by the system Metasearch.com uses order of 20% students of these countries, that is a ponderable enough index.



SearchSpot is the popular European searching catalogue the internet of resources. Popularity of this catalogue, especially in the European countries, is explained by simplicity of bringing in him resources and by relative simplicity of realization of search of necessity the internet of material for users.

SearchSpot was worked out at the end of 2003 and at once started in the internet in the test mode. An aim of creation of project was very prosaic. The group of the European programmers tried to create the layout of searching catalogue that in course of time would become an alternative to the most known world searching catalogue of Jayde. There were small hopes on instantaneous success, but works proceeded during practically everything 2003 even in the conditions of absence of financing.

After the start of test version of catalogue, his popularity at once began to increase, that surpassed the most optimistic prognoses even. Therefore in February, 2004 to the users the complete version of the first stage of searching catalogue of SearchSpot was officially presented.

For developers and proprietors of web-sites registration in the present version of searching catalogue of SearchSpot gives very much advantages, first of all it assists advancement in other leading searching systems of the world, because, since 2010, searching robots of all leading search engines, began to allude to the searching catalogue of SearchSpot. Lately the popular search engines of the world began strongly to emphasize the internet to the resources brought in the searching catalogue of Jayde.

A searching catalogue of SearchSpot is this presently generous amount the internet of resources the number of that exceeds the seven million pages of graphic and media content.

To bring in the web-site in the searching catalogue of SearchSpot simply enough and from the point of view of модерации and simplicity of procedure, that does him more attractive as compared to the searching catalogue of Jayde, that produces the overpriced enough requirements to the resources, that caused the outflow of users and creators of web-sites lately.

Financing of project SearchSpot is produced due to receivabless from an advertisement and financial inflowing of shallow sponsors, and similarly from requiring payment advancement some the internet of resources in other search engines and catalogues.

Bringing of the web-site in the searching catalogue of SearchSpot is produced on divisions and categories that is determined depending on the thematic orientation of content. Language problems at accessioning of web-site are not present, because he accepts to indexation web-sites on 56 languages of the world people. The interface of catalogue similarly is simple enough even for beginning users. The process of indexation of web-site occupies time not exceeding 72 hours from the moment of accessioning of web-site.

For users that produce the squeak of necessary resources by means of searching catalogue, except searching services, presented et al the internet services of informative character, a weather, courses of currencies, exchange news and other great deal, behave to the number of that.

Due to all enumerated, the searching catalogue of SearchSpot every day acquires new and new users in the conditions of hard competition from the side of other more known the internet of catalogues.



Wolframalpha is the new West-European scientific searching system. This system is worked out under the direction of of most genius mathematician of contemporaneity of Stephen Wolfram, that joined force large group of programmers of Germany, France and Great Britain. 

At development of science and technique in 21 century sharply a necessity came to a head for systematization of research information, scientific publications and developments. For all of it the searching system, that would watch all new in the scientific world, would systematize it and gave out to the user of the internet on the first query, is needed. Exactly to that end the German mathematician Stephen Wolfram and decided to create unique, unlike not on one already known to it, searching system.

The prosecutions of creation of the system began as early as middle 2008 year, but permanent problems with financing that acted from the patrons of art and sponsors braked the process of creation of searching machine of the system. By the official day of start of the system for work the date of May, 15, 2009 became in the internet. Exactly on this day by creators it was officially rptd about the start of the new searching system that got the name Wolframalpha. 

The name of the searching system Wolframalpha takes place, naturally, from the last name of her creator - Stephen Wolfram, and a word "alpha" designates the primary version of the system.

The searching system Wolframalpha radically enough differs from other already more known searching systems, foremost that has a clear orientation on the use in scientific and cognitive aims. In a base and catalogues of the searching system Wolframalpha the enormous amount of encyclopaedias and reference books is brought in the different spheres of science. The results of search on delivery on a searching query are similarly given in a comfortable and usual certificate form.

Here already almost three years the searching system Wolframalpha works in alpha of version, and, not looking on the permanent changes sent to the improvement of work of the system, the results of search not always correspond to the expected ideal. But this phenomenon is temporal and soon the system can far go round Wikipedia on popularity and comfort of the use. Specialists mark already, that on queries in area of mathematic Wolframalpha already left Wikipedia and other searching resources and catalogues behind.

Wolframalpha has a searching machine that is able to systematize acting information on scientific thematic divisions. For this purpose the robot of search engine brings in together with indexation of pages reason or development in the database (catalogue) of the searching system Wolframalpha.
Already now many West-European and some American scientists use the searching system Wolframalpha for the scientific researches and publications. But it is needed to mark that by the special popularity the system does not use in the countries of Eastern Europe and Asia, because a search conducts exceptionally in English language, that is the substantial omission of creators of the system, and notedly reduces her popularity in the countries of greater half of the world.



Leit.is is the popular enough Icelandic internet portal that gives the enormous amount of services to the Icelandic users of the internet, service of search of necessary resources enters in the number of that. 

The internet is a portal of Leit.is was worked out and start for the use at the end of 2001. The programmers of the Icelandic medias business concern Gluhar became the creators of portal. A portal at once conquered certain authority among users, but had mass of defects, because was failed to complete to a great extent, often became disconnected from a network and at the query of information gave out errors.

By the end 2002 developers managed with these problems and brought in substantial changes in the interface of portal, adding a few new services, in the number of new services was and function of search necessary the internet of resources.

Originally the developers of portal tried to create the searching machine, taking for basis already existent leading analogues in Iceland and world. To that end the works financed by a company Gluhar began even. It was planned that an own searching machine would heave up prestige of portal and will promote his rating among the users of Iceland. But the process of creation of own searching machine delayed, her creators had clashed as with technical problems, so, afterwards and with financial.

Therefore in a middle it was 2003 made decision to stop these works, and to decide the problem of search engine by a next method that appeared original enough. A portal offered to the users an option, on that an user wishing to man-hunt from the pages of portal can choose what searching system he will produce him by means of. Presently at choice user six types of the searching systems from that 4 are the Icelandic regional searching systems are presented, and two other - Google and Yahoo!

Entered by guidance of portal an innovation at once got success with users, it is possible the searching line placed on all pages of portal presently to use in different searching variants, that improved quality the given out information.

By the end 2012 year the internet portal of Leit.is became leading in Iceland, by services of that, on results the last questioning, about 28 percents of the Icelandic users use. A considerable merit is in popularity of portal of Leit.is belongs to the searching line that with success satisfies the queries of users.



RedTram is the European internet of medias portal, that was created by the group of programmers from Ukraine, Poland, Germany and Russia. News internet the portal of RedTram was registered by an international company RedTram Inc. at the end of 2003. Presently a company and portal have medias of representative office in a few capitals of countries of Europe, in particular Kyiv, Moscow, Paris, Warsaw and Rome. 

Basic function of portal to carry to the internet of audience of users from the European countries information about news in the different spheres of public and political life. To services of the European users on the pages of portal there is an exact enough weather forecast from the most popular portal of weather weather "Forecaster" and enormous list the internet of radio of basic European radios. Except everything it, the portal of RedTram gives the functions of search of necessary news resources of the internet of countries of Europe.

The searching system RedTram works on principle of forming of the catalogue the internet of resources that have the brightly expressed news orientation. Searching machine of RedTram, that is worked out directly by the programmers of portal, on principle of the work not look like any searching machine of the known searching systems. The system of work of this searching machine consists of that she scans the renewed pages only those resources that are in the catalogue of RedTram.

A scan-out is produced on the fragments of texts, complete phrases and abstract images of small volume.

At delivery of results of search the most visited news resources of Europe or resources that participate in the partner or advertisement campaign of portal of RedTram will stand on the first places.

It is needed similarly to mark that a search on the catalogue of RedTram, as well as given news information, can be conducted on a few European languages, namely the English, Ukrainian, Polish, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian languages. 

In the process of functioning of portal and expansion of his functions and services offered for users in work of searching machine was bring in insignificant changes. So, the interface of page of search at delivery of results became more attractive for persons, man-hunting. 

To advantages of the searching system RedTram it is needed to take circumstance that she gives more fast and comfortable access to necessary to the user of information, what analogical searching systems and catalogues. Similarly to advantages we will take and that RedTram carries out the search of resources on phrases (to the snatches and parts of phrases) and keywords in the order on that resources are located in the searching catalogue of RedTram. 

To the lacks of the searching system RedTram limit nature of search behaves an own searching catalogue. Besides the searching machine of RedTram is index resources on languages the interface of portal works with that. Web-sites on other languages in the catalogue of the system are not accepted, and consequently, and does not get in the results of search on delivery. 

To beginning 2013 year in the searching catalogue of RedTram there were more than 400 thousand pages of news resources and portals that was indexed and accessioned during all period of work of the system.

Presently the portal of RedTram has sufficient popularity among the interested users of countries of Europe. Similarly uses popularity and searching system RedTram, that helps to orientate the user of the in an enormous amount published news on spaces of the internet. On conducted the internet to questioning by anchorwomen sociological the internet by the campaigns of Europe, users of news portal, and consequently and searching system, RedTram is more than 2 percents of the European users.



MyGames is the Ukrainian playing portal, that systematizes brouser on-line games on that makes recommendations for users. In the number of the services offered to attention of users, on the main page of portal of MyGames a searching line by means of that is set, being on a portal, it is possible to carry out the functions of necessary information retrieval or internet of resources. 

The playing portal of MyGames was created by the Ukrainian programmers at sponsorship playing the internet of service of UGames. The basic type of activity of this service is development new brouser on-line of games for the internet. In 2002 in connection with growing popularity among users brouser on-line of games the sharp necessity of creation of portal that would systematize some character their list and oriented an user in necessary direction came to a head.

Thus, in November, 2002 to the wide circle of users the project of portal of MyGames was presented.

In the first three months a portal worked in the test mode during that shallow defects and failures to complete were removed. After completion of testing, at the beginning of 2003 public got a valuable portal that began to satisfy her queries.

A searching line and function of search appeared on the main page of portal in February, 2004. 

Administration of portal of MyGames made decision long time, what searching service and catalogue to take advantage of, because to develop and inculcate in work an own searching machine guidance of portal did not plan. In beginning a choice fell on Yandex.

But into account it was foremost taken that Yandex lately discredited itself in the eyes of users by imperfection of the searching machine and system of search, ignoring of some types of resources and domain names of the third level, and similarly catastrophically by subzero speed of codeindexing and reading of pages of web-sites. Therefore a choice was done the portal of MyGames in behalf on the searching machine of Google, that appeared more perfect and functional as compared to backward and handing over positions of Yandex.

Presently the portal of MyGames draws on the results of search and catalogues of the searching system Google, that satisfies the searching queries of users of playing portal of MyGames to a full degree.

If to believe statistician of portal MyGames, then 42 percents of users man-hunt from the page of portal exceptionally through a telephone and other mobile facilities of the internet, and they assert that possibility to find necessary information by means of mobile facilities considerably facilitates their use. 

Naturally, there are defects in the question of the use of searching line of portal of MyGames. A main defect is that the main page of portal is overloaded different kind by an advertisement. Here very much pop-up and slider banners, context and medias of blocks that nebulize attention of user and distract him from realization of function of search. But it is an inevitable process, because the portal of MyGames need facilities on existence, and an advertisement is practically only means for their receipt.

The portal of MyGames has the large future, because he does not cost in place, and tries systematic to develop, including for the use all new and new services and constantly renewing a catalogue on-line of games. The function of search complements the list of services of portal harmoniously, promoting his prestige among users.


My Way

My Way is the American searching system, becoming lately popular enough among the users of the searching systems that work with web-sites in English language.

My Way was worked out and start in a network in September, 2001 by the group of engineers that before it worked out and inculcated to the use similarly the known searching system Аsk. A sponsor help and support was rendered by a corporation RODA Group, that sponsored Аsk before. In 2001 a company RODA Group was led by Steve Berkowitz, that gave an order to the programmers to create the auxiliary searching system for already existent Аsk.

At development My Way was used row of important innovations, in particular there was including of search of human language. Users could print a searching phrase or question and get an intellectual and intelligent answer.

Similarly natural is circumstance that the searching system My Way uses the searching machine of Ask and databases of this system in the work, including the catalogues of index web-sites.

Gave one of first My Way to the searching machine the short name, created a simple title page with a simple enough interface, that does not have an advertisement, pop-ups and extraneous references.

It is necessary to take to the lacks of the searching system My Way, first of all, absence of possibility for an user to conduct a search on languages different from English, that affects on popularity of the searching system in the countries of Asia and Eastern Europe.

Presently the system constantly improves and develops, all new and new admirers in the whole world.



History of Conduit takes beginning in 2001. At this time the group of engineers from Great Britain tried to create the search engine for the search of resources of leading libraries of Western Europe. For this purpose they created the special searching machine. But the created search engine became not popular in scientific circles, because a searching machine gave failures constantly.

In 2003 creators and general administrators of search engine of Conduit gave up the former undertaking to create the narrowly directed scientific search engine and developed the circle of search. Thus an own searching machine was a power-off and up her services gave, the universal adopted machine came into her place, worked out Inctomi, that works and to present time.

The used technology of search of Inctomi allowed to the searching system Conduit to give out the relevant pages of practically any resources in the flow of two weeks after their updating, that gives advantage of Conduit as compared to such popular searching systems the USA and to Russia, as Yahoo!, Yandex, Bing et al, that work on their principle or with the use of their searching machine.

Conduit also gives the results of search and formed catalogues for such searching systems, as AltaVista, Sapo and EntiraWeb.

Politician of search engine Conduit such, that he does not place banners on the web-site. Instead of them he will get a profit from having a special purpose announcements and requiring payment results of search. Such decision was accepted since administration of Conduit defined that a banner advertisement interfered with co-operating and work with an user.

Presently the searching system Conduit continues dynamically to develop, acquiring everything new and new users in the whole world, because allows to conduct a search on more than one hundred the world languages.



ZapMeta dutch meta search engine, which developed the Dutch programmers. The objective was to create a search engine for the Internet space state of the Netherlands. Originally planned to orient the system exclusively for the Dutch for searching exclusively Dutch resources.

Work to create a search engine ZapMeta began in July 2004 and ended in the release of the search engine on the internet in March 2005. Search ZapMeta quickly won their users in the Netherlands, so its creators decided to modernize it, and developing advanced search interface is in several European languages. In particular, German, French, Hungarian, Spanish and Italian.

ZapMeta search service has quickly update the index with a fairly strong search engine, which operates on the principle of meta search and can qualitatively explore resources for small time. 

This allows any user to find the information requested in the search, on a set of search phrases, words and symbols. At the moment, the search engine ZapMeta researched and indexed 4 million pages of resources in a number of European languages, which can efficiently and at a high level to meet the needs of users in different countries in Europe and America.

ZapMeta creators can be proud of the search engine created in the first place because, by making inquiries of European Internet users of the resource are about 3 percent of the total number of respondents, which is quite high. 

The disadvantages of search engine ZapMeta previously treated Constrains the search to only the resource in Dutch or resource to the topic and domain names relating to the Netherlands. At the moment, this defect is leveled at the fact that ZapMeta now looking at other languages ​​that fully satisfies the needs of users.



Metaspinner - popular enough meta searching system of Germany. It was worked out and start for work in the mode the internet of search in 2001. The young German programmers became the developers of this searching system cities Hamburg, that intended to create the fundamentally new searching system for a search the internet of resources both German and international.

Metaspinner at once conquered certain popularity among the German, Austrian and Swiss users the innovative going near a necessary information retrieval, by simplicity of this process and elementary enough and attractive interface.

Financially this searching system is supported by the national association of programmers of amateurs, that legal rights belong to on possessing the system. 

Presently the searching system Metaspinner already checked and проиндексировала about 4 million web pages of the German and English-language resources. The results of verification can satisfy the users of the system not always, as a system first of all indexes the German web-sites and web-sites with the domens of Germany. And it, in opinion of analysts, is the main lack of the system and reason of absence of her popularity outside Germany and Austria.

Metaspinner has the searching catalogue, where the exceptionally German resources are accepted. Similarly Metaspinner allows to the developers of web-sites at registration of requests for indexation to lift resources in the searching rating depending on their visited by users, that is objective enough description during classification of web-sites and their pages.

The searching machine of Metaspinner works on principle of meta search. As developers of this searching system declared, her searching machine is original and has nothing in common with the searching machines of other systems. But it not so. Principle of work of analogical machine of Yahoo is fixed in basis and principle of work of searching machine and searching robot Yahoo! 

Metaspinner does not cost in place, and improves constantly, that promotes her popularity among users. On conducted the internet to questioning among the users of Germany and Austria, searching system on popularity and people that use her services, is on a fifth place, yielding to the giants of search on German the internet space.



MetaEureka - meta search engine, popular among users in the countries of Western Europe. 

MetaEureka was developed by a team of programmers and program managers in Germany and France, which had the goal of creating an alternative to the existing major search engines around the world. 

Start search engine MetaEureka held in January 2004, but despite this, the search engine quickly gained popularity among the users of the European countries. The secret of this rapid progress is easy to find on search phrases and words. 

Currently MetaEureka search catalog contains more than a million pages indexed and processed resources of different themes and genres. At first used MetaEureka innovation and innovation search technologies. The search engine indexes the principle MetaEureka meta SEARCH ENGINE, which ensures the highest relevance of results in any type of search in the system. This is due to the fact that the search engine and search engine work is to obtain the results by entering keywords and digital images. 

MetaEureka trying to determine what the user would like to find and search for meaning and a way, and not just by words. Through this, you can get quality search results, even if the page does not contain the required input keywords. Unfortunately, the system has many shortcomings. 

This is particularly slow at indexing pages of resources. While other search engines search engines indexing pages produced, MetaEureka can do it in three-four months. 

The name of the search engine is derived from the history of the ancient world, and it is from the ancient Greek colony of Syracuse, where he lived and worked as the greatest scientist of antiquity Archimedes. According to legend, he was after a new discovery, he exclaimed, "I found it!", which in Greek sounds like «Eureka!». 

Currently, search engine MetaEureka is promising and rapidly progressive, which is not in place, and is constantly improving its service, which attracts the world, more and more of her fans and users.