

Quintura is the visual searching system. The web-site of this searching system was open at the beginning of April, 2006.

The difference of the searching system Quintura from the traditional searching systems opens up in conception of the system that is her slogan: to "See and Find" - to see on a map and find in the internet. Quintura allows by sight to find in the internet documents on Russian or some other language and pictures taking into account morphology of searching language.

A feature of the searching system Quintura is this presence of visual "cloud" or map, words of associations between pictures or documents, that is a comfortable navigator on them. Using principle of Quintura, when a search comes true by one mouse click, an user sees words on a map and clicks a mouse on them, quickly finding necessary pictures and documents.

The traditional searching systems, as a rule, do not recognize the article of search of user in the Internet, including a search on pictures. Unlike them, Quintura offers the words of association as a visual cloud. These words help an user to intermingle with the searching system in one language. To specify a searching query, define the theme of search, and at once to see the results of search.

Her rendering-engine is built on popular now technology of Mind Map. In this way presentations of information use millions of persons all over the world, and find him comfortable. Creating such map is possible and on the ordinary sheet of paper. A main idea is situated on a center, and branches - associate, near to her themes walk away from her. Then for each of new records the most similar search etc. So at any moment it is possible to know for every theme, as she appeared. Principle looks like child's playing "associations", in mathematics such chart will be named a count.

In this area a company Quintura has two developments: the internet search engine of www.quintura.com and his local full-function analogue is the program Quintura Search (in the moment of publication of the article the last version there was 1.5). It is enough to get and set the program Quintura Search for further work.

Searching service of Quintura, doing a rate on visualization of results of search, in the press name not differently as by a heir Google, and the known western venture funds are invested in a project by considerable facilities.

This program helps to build more exact searching request for a drawmap, giving prompts as the words contained in the found documents and constrained on sense with your query. By a mouse click on a word you add or eliminate him from a query, specifying a query the same, that allows to find information you quicker and simpler.
Hardly anymore year back Ratmir Timachev, the president of company AMUST Software, in the past technical director and founder of company Aelita Software, began to finance a company Quintura, working out new generation software for a search in the Internet.

"We were strongly impressed by technology of Quintura, and we accepted a strategic decision to support going into the market of the program "Quintura Search", - Ratmir Timachev said. - We divide vision of founders of company consider that a company Quintura is perfectly positioned, to become a leader at the market of searching services in the Internet". Timachev led the board of directors of company, becoming his chairman.

A company Quintura gets various and very interesting suggestions from the internet of companies on introduction of technologies of visual search in the informative systems. Popularity of resource did useful business - a company got investments from Mangrove Capital Partners, ABRT Venture Fund and OpenView Venture Partners. The got facilities will be sent to global advancement of the system, and also start of the partner programs with popular web-sites and blogs, for example, Digg.

To the lacks of the searching system Quintura it is necessary to take her insufficient popularity for users especially English-language and frequent enough failures in the robot of web-site of search, that inflicts irreparable harm of reputation of this searching system, and similarly slow reacting of the searching system on appearance of new web-sites and change on already existent web-sites, that frightens off users and compels them to use other search engines.

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