

Ask is the known enough search engine well showing oneself in-process and being a success for the users of Europe and America.

History of Ask began in 1996, to Berkeley, state California. Creators of search engine of Garrett Gruener and David Warthen, managed to attract investors from RODA Group. In 2001 led a company and remains her permanent leader Steve Berkowitz.

The complete name of search engine sounds as Ask Jeeves, where Jeeves is a hero of popular serial "Jeeves and Wuster", servant of rich idler Wuster, primely understanding many vital questions.

By a basic idea at creation of search engine, creation of the question and return system was working on the basis of human language. It allows to search information, setting to the searching system Ask questions and getting in the results of search pages that with most probability contain an answer for the put question. The steadily proceeding process of democratization of Internet is engaged in the rows of users by all more people distant from a computer technique.

There is no time them to understand with such conceptions of languages of drafting of queries, as "keywords" and "narrowing of search area", not to mention about "boolean operators". All these people are potential clients of Ask.

Actually, the not used technology of search allowed Ask to give out relevant pages. A company had about 100 editors that looked over searching queries. Then they went out in a network and proposed the best, to them mind, web-sites in the results of search.

To date for the grant of results to the users the searching system Ask depends upon technology of the searching robot. These results go from belonging Ask of the searching system Teoma. Ask brings in innovative instruments, such as "invisible labels" and that is named "Clever Search". The search of the future will give much more, what simply web- pages. It does the search engine of Ask deserving a visit any, who searches information in the Internet.

Ask also gives the results of AltaVista.

At the beginning of January, 2003 the search engine of Ask declared, that would not place banners on the web-site. Instead of them he will get a profit from having a special purpose announcements and requiring payment results of search. About the official removal of banners was made decision since in a company defined that a banner advertisement interfered with co-operating with an user. Words by word Steve Berkowitz, president of company Ask Jeeves, income that is brought by a banner advertisement, does not compensate it.

Ask marks that placing more interactive announcements, moving forward brands, got the increase of CTR (correlation of links to the shows) to 25 percents, for banners he made 1-2 percents.

A new turn in history of company Ask Jeeves took place in March, 2005. One of the eldest search engines of the internet was purchased by a company InterActiveCorp after 1,85 milliard of dollars. Press-service of company-customer declared that acquisition of Ask Jeeves - fourth in the list of the largest searching services of the USA - will become the important stage of encroachment of InterActiveCorp to the market of the internet. In December, 2004, from data of agency of Bloomberg, on the stake of Ask there were 5,3 percents of all searching queries done by the American users.

By a year before this index did not drag as far as to two percents even.

By a next turning point in history of the searching system Ask, networking of context advertisement became. An advertisement network is built on the same principles, what engines-leaders (Yahoo and Google). References to the pages of advertiser appear in the results of search on overhead lines. An advertiser pays for every transition on his reference. On the estimations of research company of eMarketer, the market of context advertisement is now estimated in 4,5 milliards of dollars and makes 42 percents from the common market of onlineadvertisement.

Vice-president ICA - proprietor Ask Jeeves - it is said that in a company adjusted optimistically in relation to the prospects of new project and expect large demand on him, as many advertisers, according to them, would like to have an alternative of Google.



Ixquick is the known enough and original search engine worked out as an alternative to the known search engines. From the moment of appearance in the internet of September of 2002 this search engine conquered popularity among the users of Western Europe and North America. 

Ixquick was worked out and start in a network the programmers of Great Britain and Germany on the basis of searching machines of Yahoo! and Inctomi. Works on creation of searching machine for a new search engine began at the end of 2000 and proceeded approximately a year and a half. The German internet rendered sponsorship a project business concern Gessen, that is presently the main sponsor of search engine. 

Presently Ixquick uses the database that he collected during ten years and collects presently exceptionally. 

The process of search in the system Ixquick is very simple. In order that to find to the user necessary information it is enough to enter a necessary phrase or word-combination in the line of search. The got list of resources will begin with or three references that are advertisers and sponsors of the searching system, and farther an user will find necessary to him information. 

Presently by the searching machine of Ixquick проиндексировано more than 8 million pages of different resources, mainly in English language. On other languages resources can be not in the catalogue of Ixquick, because the system does not spare enough attention to it. Ixquick considers priority of the work codeindexing of the exceptionally English-language pages.

The searching system Ixquick presently develops dynamically, attracting attention all new and new users in the whole world. But defects that take place affect on absence of popularity of Ixquick in the countries of Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.



Тopsy is the original enough searching system, worked out by engineers in 2010 by the programmers of Western Europe at sponsorship the internet of company Тopsy Labs, that owns presently all rights on this search engine. 

Тopsy Labs produced this searching system on spaces of the Internet at the beginning of 2011, but she declared about itself only in 2012 after realization of testing. 

The searching system Тopsy is intended for a search in the social networks of Twitter and Google by means of mobile devices and allows to the users to find in foregoing networks posts on any themes.

For this purpose it is needed to enter a necessary word or expression in the line of search. There also there is a function of viewing of photo or video. The posts represented in the results of search are located in a chronological order (from fresh to later). Вверху a page there is a "time-scale" that facilitates a necessary information retrieval notedly. 

In order that to find, for example, more old report, it is needed to move a movable indicator on a scale to the right and the posts of two-day or three-day remoteness will appear on the screen. 

If to believe statistics, then 32 percents of people man-hunt exceptionally through a telephone, and 75 percents assert that possibility to find necessary information by means of смартфона considerably facilitates their life. So that creation of similar searching service fully reasonable decision. 

Lately the search engine of Тopsy growingly collects popularity among users not only mobile devices. On the last questioning, conducted Тopsy, for a search in social networks this search engine is used by 18 users visitant social networks over the internet from stationary computer devices. 

Presently the programmers of Тopsy continue to perfect a searching machine and try to extend a search in other social networks. 

Naturally, the system is not deprived defects, but not looking on it for her large enough prospects in the development.



Slider is the search engine of countries of Western Europe, worked out jointly by the French and German programmers in 2001. The primary purpose of this development was creation of original searching machine that in the work would not would look like the analogical already existent standards of leading search engines of Europe and America.

This search engine started after presentation in Paris on spaces of the Internet at the beginning of 2002 and at once paid attention on itself by the simplicity in-process and quality of search users.
Since a middle 2003, the scopes of search of Slider broadened notedly, the searching system had processed more than one million the pages of the resources produced on the languages of countries of Western Europe, in basic English, German and French. There is most development of this searching system exactly on this period.

To advantages of the searching system Slider at that time took simplicity and бистроту search on keywords and expressions, that, undoubtedly, attracted users for work with this search engine. At the end of 2003 beginning 2004 in questioning users in increasing frequency put Slider on leading positions by comparison to other searching systems that at that time used popularity in the countries of Europe. 

To not sufficiencies of the searching system Slider at that time took the necessity of bringing of the resources for the database of searching machine for indexation, that substantially increased time on research by the searching machine of Slider of one or another resource.

The crisis of this search engine began at the beginning of 2005. A crisis was caused by the insufficient financing that was produced from the side of sponsors and due to advertisement receivabless. All of it resulted in that in 2009 the searching system stopped the work and presently there is only a starting page of search engine with a searching line and logotype of search engine. A search presently is not conducted.



Gde.ru is the new Russian searching system, appearing on spaces of the internet in January, 2004. This searching system was created by the group of the Russian programmers that before worked in a sphere the internet of advertisement. The primary purpose of creation of project for creators was creation of the fundamentally new searching system for bringing in of the users, interested in the purchase of different commodities or receipt of certain services.

Sponsorship in the beginning the Russian gave a project the internet marketing corporation Gloris. She and presented a project to the wide circle of users. In 2009 Gloris sold entitlements by a project Gde.ru to the partners on business of Russian medias to the business concern Softwars Inc., that manages this searching system from the main office in city Saint Petersburg. 

Gde.ru differs fundamentally from other searching systems. By a basic difference there is that, that a search in this system comes true not on keywords or phrases, and on the name of commodity or service chosen preliminary from the brought catalogue over. Finding in this searching system is possible only commodity or service and web-site of organization that it gives. 

The results of delivery of search engine differ from the integrated system of search on the base of searching machines of other search engines. In obedience to questioning of users quality of work of searching machine of the system is at high level.

To the distinctive features of search engine of Gde.ru it is possible to take the Russian-language search exceptionally only, as searching investigates machines only the Russian-language web-sites that is brought in a database by their proprietors. On the base of stopped up by the proprietors of инормации the base of these catalogues, subdivisions is created. 

By the end of 2011 in the database of Gde.ru was counted near the one million names of documents, commodities and services.

Gde.ru similarly declared a start in 2007 of the partner program in obedience to that, the creators of web-sites that place for itself on web-sites advertisement information had to get a material fee for the uses of traffic. But in practice many enough complaints act from the side of users about a swindle from the side of administration of Gde.ru, that does not pay these rewards, alluding to the thought of reasons.

Project Gde.ru found the distribution on the internet space of Russian Federation, and similarly in a number of nearby countries. Popularity of resource some went down lately, but administration of Gde.ru undertakes efforts for that what to correct situation in this question.



PocketFlier is the searching system of new generation, worked out and start in the internet the group of the young British programmers. The aim of creation consisted this searching system of what to work out on the basis of the already existent and working searching systems fundamentally new, that would allow to carry out a search not on searching phrases, and on the set of searching words. 

A company TrialGalss rendered sponsorship a project, Inc. Exactly this company and presented in 2003 a group PocketFlier to the wide circle of users.

The searching system PocketFlier has powerful enough and quickly renovating index with the most powerful searching instrument as a searching machine, that allow to any user to find necessary information on the set of keywords, but not searching phrases.

Index of PocketFlier, supported by an own searching machine that presently includes about three million web pages exceptional in English language. 

Unfortunately, PocketFlier offers the small enough choice of variants of search. PocketFlier supports a search only in English language.

PocketFlier provides management facilities necessary in an order to find exactly that, that searches user after a few to the words, giving the most modern searching instruments.

If an user searches an easy method to use the instrument of search of the internet, that will help to find that he searches in the internet him, then the search engine of PocketFlier is not simply replaceable in this case.

Creators and proprietors of PocketFlier are proud of the done work after entering in the list of useful Web sites that will be quickly and comfortably, bring an user over to Web site that he searches. This instrument of search of the internet allows to the user to search simply and quickly on keywords and word-combinations.

To the lacks of search engine of PocketFlier it is necessary to take the narrow orientation of search only on the English-language pages. And similarly that the searching machine of PocketFlier works extremely slowly and a new web page can index long enough. For this reason popularity of PocketFlier among users is subzero enough, if to make a comparison with analogical search engines.



Flix - the largest German search engine is adapted and specially worked out for the internet of space of Germany and Austria. 

Flix was worked out and start in a network the group of the German programmers in 1998 at support the internet of business concern Gesses, that now in fact and is the proprietor of this search engine.
Presently Flix uses the database partly, and similarly bases given other searching systems. 

In 2001 Flix began to develop as an independent searching system that gave up the bases of these colleagues, with the own searching robot that was considerably improved as compared to previous. 

Flix bought in 2005 the searching system Virsting, that did not have the searching searching robot, but had a large enough base of the accumulated data. 

Presently by the system of it is inspected, studied and added to the database  more than 3 million pages of different resources, mainly on the English and German languages.

The searching system Flix presently develops dynamically, attracting attention all new and new users on territory of Germany. Today she is included in ten first searching systems of Germany.