Mamma arose up in 1996 and
was one of first meta of the searching systems. Repeatedly awarded bonuses from
SearchEngineWatch Awards. The creators of Mamma name her "Mother of all
searching systems".
system Mamma (Metadata Analysis and Mining Application), being the offspring of
engineers of company, allowing to index marking, style, use of the scripts and
other technologies, used for creation of web pages.
searching system Mamma checks up 3.5 million web pages and the results of
verification allow to satisfy the requirements of users.
A modern
world network consists of great number of technological decisions, here yet and
develops constantly. The vast database of Mamma gives the detailed information
about that, as well as in what volume of web-technology used by the developers
of network.
Mamma will
allow to the developers of web pages to find the examples of the use of
different decisions and functions, see basic progress of network trends and get
information able to help during work with the clients and managers. Also this
technology will allow to the committees on standardization more exactly to
estimate one or another suggestions from developers and in final analysis will
do Web more quality.
Mamma is an
actively developing project, therefore the spectrum of the data got by means of
this searching system will broaden in course of time. It will allow to watch
the modern tendencies of Web and will help developers to find the real
standards of the real art of web-design for a study and using as a standard.
She searches
спомощью of searching
machines of LookSmart, Open Directory,,, Yahoo, Teoma,
Gigablast, Wisenut, Entireweb, FindWhat, Kanoodle. Besides a search in Network
an user gets possibility to search news, pictures, and also information in
white and yellow pages.
At creation
of difficult queries the boolean operators of "AND", "OR",
"NOT", and also operators " ", of "-" and
quotation marks, are supported. An user can choose yet, what from the searching
systems listed above to use, and what - no, to specify time, that the system
can expend on preparation of results, presence and size of description of the
found pages.
For ranging
of results the algorithm of rSort is used. This algorithm works as a voting
system. The doublets of pages not only clean up in the results of search but
also analysed. Every doubled result is considered a "vote" for this
result. Pages collecting most voices go up in the results of search (this
method a mathematical vehicle is the basis of, namely is the simplified version
of "Method Kondorset", adopted by name mathematics of Marcus de
Kondorset, that invented this procedure of voting in 18 century.