

The searching system Bing to date is popular enough practically in the whole world. And it not with simple, in fact she is presented and worked out by all by the known company Miсrosoft.

Self name of search engine - Bing.com new enough for an user, on business this searching system from Microsoft exists a long ago enough, but only before she was under other names and url- addresses - MSN Search, Windows Live Search, Live Search. Now her address in the Internet - http://www.bing.com.

Searching system Bing it is possible with a confidence to put at a fourth place among the searching systems oriented to the Russian-language user, after Yandex, Google and Mail.ru. Such conclusion can be made out of statistics of entrances of users on a base web-site. If to take statistics in a global scale, then Bing can be put even at the third place along with other popular search engines.

Many users of the Internet use numerous programmatic developments of company Miсrosoft - mainly it is always quality, multifunction and useful foods. The same can be said and about the searching system Bing is actually a very comfortable search engine, including many useful functions and developments, necessary for users in the whole world.

An user is attracted by the comfortable enough and unannoying design of base page of search engine as a thematic constantly changing picture.

Work of searching machine of Bing causes for the users of censure, because she works slowly enough, and a new web-site or new publication on a web-site can remain long time enough not index. But on the whole general description of this search engine it does not do for.

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