

Mamma arose up in 1996 and was one of first meta of the searching systems. Repeatedly awarded bonuses from SearchEngineWatch Awards. The creators of Mamma name her "Mother of all searching systems".

Searching system Mamma (Metadata Analysis and Mining Application), being the offspring of engineers of company, allowing to index marking, style, use of the scripts and other technologies, used for creation of web pages.

The searching system Mamma checks up 3.5 million web pages and the results of verification allow to satisfy the requirements of users.

A modern world network consists of great number of technological decisions, here yet and develops constantly. The vast database of Mamma gives the detailed information about that, as well as in what volume of web-technology used by the developers of network.

Mamma will allow to the developers of web pages to find the examples of the use of different decisions and functions, see basic progress of network trends and get information able to help during work with the clients and managers. Also this technology will allow to the committees on standardization more exactly to estimate one or another suggestions from developers and in final analysis will do Web more quality.

Mamma is an actively developing project, therefore the spectrum of the data got by means of this searching system will broaden in course of time. It will allow to watch the modern tendencies of Web and will help developers to find the real standards of the real art of web-design for a study and using as a standard.

She searches спомощью of searching machines of LookSmart, Open Directory, Business.com, About.com, Yahoo, Teoma, Gigablast, Wisenut, Entireweb, FindWhat, Kanoodle. Besides a search in Network an user gets possibility to search news, pictures, and also information in white and yellow pages.

At creation of difficult queries the boolean operators of "AND", "OR", "NOT", and also operators " ", of "-" and quotation marks, are supported. An user can choose yet, what from the searching systems listed above to use, and what - no, to specify time, that the system can expend on preparation of results, presence and size of description of the found pages.

For ranging of results the algorithm of rSort is used. This algorithm works as a voting system. The doublets of pages not only clean up in the results of search but also analysed. Every doubled result is considered a "vote" for this result. Pages collecting most voices go up in the results of search (this method a mathematical vehicle is the basis of, namely is the simplified version of "Method Kondorset", adopted by name mathematics of Marcus de Kondorset, that invented this procedure of voting in 18 century.


HotBot is the searching system of new generation, worked out by specialists in the USA. This system went out on spaces of the internet in May, 1996 and at once purchased large popularity due to quality and scope of the results that provided technologies of Inktomi.

In 1999 the splash of popularity of this search engine happened due to drawing on the results of the searching system Direct Hit. Users were attracted by a quickness and quality of search, that was determined by the narrow orientation of searching queries.

In 1998 HotBot passed to possession of company Lycos. Since 1999-2000, the level of popularity of this search engine began to fall. In 2002 a search engine was restarted as an interface of access to two main searching systems of the Internet: Google and Teoma (Ask Jeeves).

HotBot is pseudo мета by the searching system and not able to mix up the results of search of the systems uses that. However to two adopted searching services the system gives fast and comfortable access and remains very interesting due to unusual colors and interface, that always were her distinguishing feature.

Before results on the searching query of user HotBot destroys, so-called, "Sponsored Links". The supplier of requiring payment sponsor references is Overture. To five first results of this system get in the block of "Sponsored Links".

In right part of screen, in area of, noted "Sponsored Links", announcements take place from the programs of Lycos InSite AdBuyer. Here can be given out to 3th references.

On each of the searching systems an user gets the corresponding form of the extended search. Also an user can choose pleasing to him registration of page of search, and it is 6 basic variants.



The Israel searching system Walla to date is popular enough on territory of Israel and among users in other countries of the world, speaking or using Hebrew. The searching system Walla is worked out by the company Walla known in Israel inc, that is specialized on software and softwares development. As a matter of fact this company and is the proprietress of search engine, having all legal rights on him.

The searching system Walla firmly retains the third position in rating among the users of Israel, yielding the palm of victory of Google and Bing. It is data last the internet of questioning, conducted in Israel.

Many users use software and softwares that is worked out by a company Walla inc - it developments are oriented mainly to the Israel user, but known enough in the whole world. The same reviews and about the searching system Walla is a comfortable enough search engine allowing to the user quickly oriented at a search.

The Israel user in this search engine is attracted by simplicity of design of main page of search engine and location of text from right to left, but not vice versa, as in the European search engines. It does comfortable a search on Hebrew and other Arabics.

Not looking on the obvious orientation of search engine on national resources, he with success indexes other web-sites, with other national and territorial пренадлежностью, that increases the number of users substantially.

The searching machine of Walla does not cause for the users of censures, she works stably and qualitatively. New resources are indexed quickly enough and at once get in a review. Principle of work of searching machine in itself is unique and on anything like not alike.

Approach of company Walla inc to development of search engine impresses and allows to talk it is sure enough about his prospects.



The Japanese searching system Frecheye is popular enough only on the Japanese islands, and similarly the negligible quantity of users use her as basic on Taiwan and South Korea. In the world of popularity this search engine did not get from the exceptionally national orientation, interface of web-site of search engine only in Japanese language.

A search engine is worked out by leading the internet of medias a company Mitsuo, that has all legal rights on him.

The searching system Frecheye can be put at the first place among the searching systems the internet of space of Japan, she is used by more than 80 percents of Japaneses. Such conclusion is made out of the recently conducted questioning the internet of users.

It is in addition possible to say to general descriptions of Frecheye, that this search engine it actually very comfortable for the Japanese user, includes many useful functions and developments.

The Japanese user is attracted by the comfortable enough design of base page of search engine, that does not plug in itself some superfluous elements that would divert attention user.

The searching machine of Frecheye is adapted exceptionally under indexation of the Japanese web-sites or web-sites in Japanese language, indexation of other resources is not either conducted in general or conducted slowly enough, therefore to find by means of Frecheye, for example, Russian language or German web-site it is practically impossible.

As a serious lack of this search engine it is necessary to distinguish uncomfortable enough search of photos and pictures. Search of images produced Frecheye will be incomplete and off-grade.


The searching system Bing to date is popular enough practically in the whole world. And it not with simple, in fact she is presented and worked out by all by the known company Miсrosoft.

Self name of search engine - Bing.com new enough for an user, on business this searching system from Microsoft exists a long ago enough, but only before she was under other names and url- addresses - MSN Search, Windows Live Search, Live Search. Now her address in the Internet - http://www.bing.com.

Searching system Bing it is possible with a confidence to put at a fourth place among the searching systems oriented to the Russian-language user, after Yandex, Google and Mail.ru. Such conclusion can be made out of statistics of entrances of users on a base web-site. If to take statistics in a global scale, then Bing can be put even at the third place along with other popular search engines.

Many users of the Internet use numerous programmatic developments of company Miсrosoft - mainly it is always quality, multifunction and useful foods. The same can be said and about the searching system Bing is actually a very comfortable search engine, including many useful functions and developments, necessary for users in the whole world.

An user is attracted by the comfortable enough and unannoying design of base page of search engine as a thematic constantly changing picture.

Work of searching machine of Bing causes for the users of censure, because she works slowly enough, and a new web-site or new publication on a web-site can remain long time enough not index. But on the whole general description of this search engine it does not do for.