

Slider is the search engine of countries of Western Europe, worked out jointly by the French and German programmers in 2001. The primary purpose of this development was creation of original searching machine that in the work would not would look like the analogical already existent standards of leading search engines of Europe and America.

This search engine started after presentation in Paris on spaces of the Internet at the beginning of 2002 and at once paid attention on itself by the simplicity in-process and quality of search users.
Since a middle 2003, the scopes of search of Slider broadened notedly, the searching system had processed more than one million the pages of the resources produced on the languages of countries of Western Europe, in basic English, German and French. There is most development of this searching system exactly on this period.

To advantages of the searching system Slider at that time took simplicity and бистроту search on keywords and expressions, that, undoubtedly, attracted users for work with this search engine. At the end of 2003 beginning 2004 in questioning users in increasing frequency put Slider on leading positions by comparison to other searching systems that at that time used popularity in the countries of Europe. 

To not sufficiencies of the searching system Slider at that time took the necessity of bringing of the resources for the database of searching machine for indexation, that substantially increased time on research by the searching machine of Slider of one or another resource.

The crisis of this search engine began at the beginning of 2005. A crisis was caused by the insufficient financing that was produced from the side of sponsors and due to advertisement receivabless. All of it resulted in that in 2009 the searching system stopped the work and presently there is only a starting page of search engine with a searching line and logotype of search engine. A search presently is not conducted.

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