

Тopsy is the original enough searching system, worked out by engineers in 2010 by the programmers of Western Europe at sponsorship the internet of company Тopsy Labs, that owns presently all rights on this search engine. 

Тopsy Labs produced this searching system on spaces of the Internet at the beginning of 2011, but she declared about itself only in 2012 after realization of testing. 

The searching system Тopsy is intended for a search in the social networks of Twitter and Google by means of mobile devices and allows to the users to find in foregoing networks posts on any themes.

For this purpose it is needed to enter a necessary word or expression in the line of search. There also there is a function of viewing of photo or video. The posts represented in the results of search are located in a chronological order (from fresh to later). Вверху a page there is a "time-scale" that facilitates a necessary information retrieval notedly. 

In order that to find, for example, more old report, it is needed to move a movable indicator on a scale to the right and the posts of two-day or three-day remoteness will appear on the screen. 

If to believe statistics, then 32 percents of people man-hunt exceptionally through a telephone, and 75 percents assert that possibility to find necessary information by means of смартфона considerably facilitates their life. So that creation of similar searching service fully reasonable decision. 

Lately the search engine of Тopsy growingly collects popularity among users not only mobile devices. On the last questioning, conducted Тopsy, for a search in social networks this search engine is used by 18 users visitant social networks over the internet from stationary computer devices. 

Presently the programmers of Тopsy continue to perfect a searching machine and try to extend a search in other social networks. 

Naturally, the system is not deprived defects, but not looking on it for her large enough prospects in the development.

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