

WebCrawler is the new enough American search engine worked out by programmers and the internet by designers in 2002. By an aim given creations of the searching system it was to work out the searching system, that would unite in itself work of two quite different searching machines, belonging Google and Yahoo!.

This search engine started in the Internet after the protracted enough testing lasting a year without small. Such protracted period is explained by plenty of errors that were sufferet on the initial stages of development of search engine of WebCrawler.

Since beginning 2005 year of WebCrawler began to work in the normal mode, the scopes of search of WebCrawler broadened notedly, the searching system had processed the more than six million pages of the resources produced on the different languages of countries of America and Europe.

To basic advantages of the searching system WebCrawler it is possible to take that hybrid two basics of searching machines widespread in America turned out very successful and presently works without considerable errors. Consists the feature of work of searching machine of WebCrawler of that she quickly enough indexes the pages of resources without the additional bringing them in the database of the system, that characteristically for Yahoo! 

To not sufficiencies of the searching system WebCrawler it is possible to take that the system does not work on the search of photos, images and video, and gives on searching queries only text material.

The jump of popularity of WebCrawler is presently marked among the users of different countries, especially in Eastern Europe. It can be explained only one - by quality and plenitude of search of necessary resources especially English-language. The system presently works on the improvement of quality of search in area of video and images. More perfect version of searching machine in obedience to plans must be presented in February, 2013.


  1. A very good search engine!!! Indexes the pages of web-sites on the third or fourth day after a publication. Indexation is complete and deep. I recommend all users!

  2. Anonymous12:36 pm

    To me too this searching system very liked. Added her to select and did a starting page in a browser.
