

Jayde - known enough and popular in the countries of Western Europe and North America searching catalogue of web-sites. For the proprietors of web-sites registration in the searching catalogue of Jayde is very important, first of all for advancement in other searching systems. The most popular search engines of the world strongly emphasize web-sites being in the searching catalogue of Jayde. 

A searching catalogue of web-sites of Jayde is this plenty presently enough of resources the quantity of that exceeds three with a half millions. The project of catalogue of Jayde was open in May, 1999 the collective of programmers of Michegan university (USA). At sponsorship of sponsors he began headily to develop and collect popularity among users.

To get in the searching catalogue of Jayde - presently it is one of the first tasks for proprietors and developers of web-sites. On the face of it, a process seems simple enough and accessible for all, but passing indexation is in strength to not all resources.

Not looking on all brought difficulties over with indexation, a searching catalogue of Jayde still is a success among users in the different corners of Earth.

To the lacks of searching catalogue it is necessary to take her oriented to the resources in English language, web-sites on other languages in a catalogue will not join.



ImHalal - first on spaces of the internet islam search engine. A search engine was worked out by the Arabic programmer Reza Sardeh at sponsorship of sheiks of Oman and start for work in the internet at the end of September, 2009.

ImHalal differs from other search engines that does not give out results with content that conflicts with the postulates of islam. This search engine can distinguish the results of search settled for moslems from forbidden. 

The searching system ImHalal works on the basis of the three-ball system, estimating web-sites for the purpose their prohibition by islam dogmas, and, in case if the found web-sites have a high level of forbidenness for moslems or disparity to the norms of islam, suggests to set other terms of search or specify other searching phrases. 

So, for example, if an user will make an effort find materials of pornographic character, then the system will give out a report that this content is forbidden by the norms of islam and can not be given out by a search engine in demand of user. 

The searching machine of the searching system ImHalal is based on searching technologies of Inctomi and on principle of work very reminds her. The feature of this searching system consists in the set filters that sift from in the internet undesirable and incongruous to the norms of islam information.

Besides English, a web-site can find materials on other languages, in particular, on Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish and on the row of other languages and dialects.

In opinion of creator of service Reza Sardeh, new searching service of ImHalal will give an opportunity to the moslems to barrier itself and near from web-sites content of that falls short of to the laws of sheriat.

The new searching system is already approved by the moslems of the practically whole world and begins to be a success among moslem users.



AltaVista the most known American searching system, that uses popularity among the users of the USA, Canada and some countries of Europe. AltaVista was worked out and start in a network at the beginning of December, 1995 at support of the most powerful at that time calculable server of DEC Alpha. On the period of the appearance AltaVista was the most rapid searching system that could process millions of searching queries in a day.

The important innovation of search engine of AltaVista was including of search of human language. Users could print a searching phrase or question and get an intellectual answer.

In the first approaching the worked out by a corporation AltaVista Technology AltaVista was sold Digital Equipment Corporation. The known now searching system substantially improved by the specialists of DEC became accessible to the users in November, 1995. In 1998 the searching system back was bought by a corporation Compaq, that spent quite a bit time and forces on the search of possibilities to do a profitable project from AltaVista. Thus the address of the searching system remained former.

And a set in the address line of AltaVista resulted in a hit on the web-site of company AltaVista Technology. As a result, the fame of the searching system resulted in the enormous inflow of visitors on a web-site AltaVista Technology and loss of potential users the searching system. In the total, a domen back of search engine of AltaVista was bought Compaq after 3,35 million dollars in August, 1998. In spite of it, Compaq so not succeeded to be got income from the searching system.

Therefore in June, 1999 the negotiations of Compaq and corporation CMGI began about forming of strategic network alliance, within the framework of that AltaVista was sold CMGI. on it was August, 19, 1999 announced acquisition by a corporation CMGI at Compaq of 83 percents of actions of AltaVista.

In February 2003 AltaVista was bought Overture Services, Inc., that in July 2003 was purchased Yahoo!. From May 2011 AltaVista passed to searching technology of Yahoo! at the use of her catalogues and searching machine.

Gave one of first AltaVista to the searching machine the short name, created a simple title page interface without an advertisement and extraneous references.

Now official headquarters of this searching system is in city Palo Alto, that is located in neighbourhood Santa Klara, state California, USA.



QIP - lately becoming very well the known to all Russian portal worked out by a provider ICQ on Russian the internet space in 2003. As well as very much services have alike portals and social networks on the web-site, in the number of that e-mail, collection of news, informative selections on the real estate, music, life of stars et cetera. To the number of services of QIP, except the given services in ICQ, that are basic, an information retrieval belongs in the internet. 

First shortly we will consider a question, from where this service happened on the whole and searching system QIP in particular. This search engine is not alike service popular universal messenjer QIP Infium, and by his direct copy. Getting on the official web-site of the Russian analogue of ICQ, the user of the Internet gets possibility not only to begin to swing the known software product but also chance to take up many other virtual businesses. 

On the whole the interface of portal (just like this it is already possible bravely to name QIP) reminds Mail.ru, such his early version. Here is a place, as we marked already, to the news, service of acquaintances, looking for a job, horoscope, viewing of photo galleries and other great deal. 

Presently to talk about some revolutionary technologies in the field of search QIP is not outside, as this searching system uses algorithms and searching database that is made the searching machine of Yandex. But in case with the search engine of QIP, except the taken information from the catalogue of Yandex, the searching machine of QIP indexes some pages of web-sites, increasing the volume of treat searching queries. 

In account of analysts and from data the internet of questioning, today the searching system QIP processes 0,6 percents of all queries in Runet. Moreover, it is an index slowly, but confidently creeps upwards. 

In opinion of experts, height the Internet of audience, carrying out a search in a network through QIP, first of all, related to that a portal prescribes the search in popular web-browsers "by default" in moment when messenjer is set. Many users, noticing possible deception (absence is in the browser of traditional Yandex), here restore this omission in tuning.

But I am and such, who continues to use QIP, especially as the results of delivery are fully tolerable (as it was already marked higher, QIP uses the algorithms of Yandex, complementing them in an insignificant measure by the data). And such people, as practice shows, every day becomes all anymore, that makes happy the proprietors of this perspective searching system.



Baidu is the Chinese searching system that is a leader among the Chinese searching systems and searching systems of countries of south-east Asia. On the amount of the processed queries of pages of resources a searching web-site Baidu occupies the third place in the world (more than three with a half milliards of treat pages, that makes more than 5 percents from a general amount in a global search. 

The Japanese version of Baidu, that forced out Bing from Japanese the space internet literally for 2-3, started in 2002.

Baidu also has the on-line-encyclopaedia - Encyclopaedia of Baidu, that on the amount of addresses to her passed users Chinese Wikipedia.

There are more than 800 million, more than 90 million photos and images and about 15 million mediafiles web pages in the searching catalogue of Baidu.

In 2010 the basic web-site of the searching system Baidu was exposed to the attack of hackers from the "Iranian cybernetic army". Malefactors changed DNS of record and redirected a traffic on other web-site, what Baidu of irreparable damage caused.

In April, 2006 by the search engine of Baidu it was declared about the start of alternative project - Baidupedia. Already in three weeks she passed Chinese Wikipedia on the number of reasons. 

Presently the encyclopaedia of Baidu contains more than 5 million reasons (there are no more than 4 millions in English Wikipedia). The corrections brought in Baidupedia become visible not immediately, and pass through moderators and, probably, censors. At the same time, in Baidupedia there is the article about Wikipedia in that Wikipedia is described in the neutrally-positive key.

Long time in her there was information about her blocking in China, and references were even given to the mirrors of Wikipedia, on that it was possible to call on her main page. After a while references to the mirrors were cleaned, was left only reference to the official main page on that, however, from China to call to Wikipedia it was impossible to the removal of blocking. An interface is done by maximally comfortable for users from China. Visual style of enciklopedia is simple. References and bold type are supported in the articles only.

Comments are located внизу every page. Among the similar functions of Wikipedia a web-site supports editing, commentation and publication of reasons, and also function of history of changes in the article.

Presently the programmers of Baidu are develop the Russian-language version of search engine, that on the plans of guidance of the searching system must create competition to the leading Russian search engines, in particular Yandex, Nigma, Rambler, and some in general it is planned to force out from electronic space of Russia.