

The searching system Yandex is a searching portal basic task of that, to find answers for the questions of users. And he with this task is celebrated perfectly. In fact besides a searching form by means of that it is possible to carry out a search on everything the Internet, on the web-site of the searching system Yandex there is a whole list of searching services that assist being of necessary information also.

We it admits, if an user decided to listen free of charge on-line music, then it is simply necessary to pass to the division of web-site Yandex Мusik, if an user needs to buy some commodity, then any information retrieval about a commodity (description, prices, reviews) it is possible to carry out in Yandex Мarket. And it is far not all list of searching and informative services of Yandex, that equally with the search engine of the system, ready to help an user to find answers for their questions.

We will consider some searching and informative services of Yandex, that also as a search engine of Yandex, can appear useful enough to the necessary information retrieval. In fact these services embrace the most often highly sought themes, search on that and users carry out.

For today service on-line of games of Yandex is presented by the 51th game of different subjects, such as logic, arcades, games related to the movement in space, sporting games, tasks.

Collection of free games is constantly filled up and in current moment them can be on much anymore.

On Yandex will be on-line of toy both for girls and for boys. On service of "Yandex of Game" rating of players is organized, with a refresh rate 1 one time per one hour. In order that to get on a main page page of service, it is needed to find oneself among the ten best players, there is possibility of watching of the place in rating of players.

Similarly on the main page of service of games, a conclusion is organized the best and new now on-line of games of Yandex.

Searching informative service of Yandex of Picture - allows to carry out a search and flush-off of pictures in all Internet. If to take into account that it is a search of pictures not on one web-site, and on web-sites all the Internet of association, to find probability and get an exactly that free picture that interests you, by means of Yandex, much higher.

Also there is a comfortable filter of selection of the found Yandex pictures, on key parameters:
- For the search of alike pictures it is possible to use the form of search. If, for example, to enter a searching query is "on-line of game", then the result of delivery of Yandex will be pictures, so or differently with online games.

- On the page of results of search it is possible to set the size of pictures (useful function, both for website designers - releases from conservative work on editing of sizes of picture before laying out of her on the web-site and for the ordinary users of persons interested to find and get a picture on the cellular telephone, or to get wallpapers for the workmount of the computer) it is Search of pictures of necessary color (for example, can be useful for creation of web-site, if you want to use a picture on a background a certain color).

If you decided the implement search of necessary picture by means of Yandex, go across on reference - Yandex of Picture.

Another interesting free function is presented by service of "Yandex of Picture" is a visual search on pictures. And she is needed for determination of your preferences to view of landscape of different localities. Being base on a few selections of Yandex determines what countries and cities it is needed to see to the user, dreams.

Searching informative service "of Yandex of Map" - one of darlings and highly sought services to date. The detailed satellite maps of metropolises (such as Moscow, Kyiv of and other), given about present corks, are presented users, charts of subway et cetera.

You can free of charge unseal necessary part of map, get and send by mail, to build on the web-site, and also edit their content in a division the Folk map. Service the "Folk map" allows to the users to edit the satellite maps of Yandex at own discretion. 

There are navigation functions, such as a gasket of routes, record of the ground points, measuring of distances. For work with "Yandex Maps" are work out a comfortable interface allowing it easily to manage maps and to execute all necessary operations. Management by maps maybe by both a mouse and keyboard. 

Comfort of service, possibility of the use by both users for the personal aims and developers of web-sites for expansion of functions of the web-sites does service of "Yandex of Map" more popular.
Yandex Мusik is information retrieval on-line service for a search and listening of free music. All music is placed on service of Yandex is licensed and settled for listening, but not for a flush-off.
As usual there is a catalogue on heading of genres and years of producing. Comfortable search with a filter on the name, albums, performers. 

To listen on-line music the users of free service of "Yandex Musik" will be able by means of comfortable player. Getting плеер is not required, he is built-in in Web interface of page of web-site. As well as in ordinary плеере, the functions of creation of play list are accessible, adding to him tracks and albums.

Musical content of service of "Yandex Мusik" is constantly filled up by new tracks, that also provides the permanent inflow of visitors on service.

Very comfortable service on looking for a job. The base of vacancies of Yandex contains suggestions of employers from plenty of skilled agency and popular web-sites of looking for a job.

Information about companies and their employees, addresses there Is a comfortable filter of selection of vacancy on the map of city, on key parameters: Salary, Form of employment, Chart of work, Type of vacancy et cetera, and also comfortable thematic catalogue on specialities with a searchability on him. Also very comfortable function of looking for a job on a region, allows more exactly and quickly to find suitable for you work. 

There is possibility of viewing of address of the chosen work on the map of city, that too not small important, special at the selection of job in metropolises. 

For employers there is possibility of placing of vacancy on Yandex. That a vacancy got in service of "Yandex of Work", it is needed to publish her on one or a few web-sites placing the vacancies on "Yandex to Work".

Yandex on the last questioning among the users of Russia is the most successful search engine services of that are used by more than 60 percents of the Russian users.

1 comment:

  1. I do not simply present how it is possible to use this, so-called, by a search engine. For that what a web-site was indexed, he is necessary to be registered in a database. After registration of web-site, him can check and index only after two-three weeks, and that not all pages. Simply it is sorry me 60 percents of Russians that in obedience to statistics and questioning use this terrible search engine.
