

SearchSpot is the popular European searching catalogue the internet of resources. Popularity of this catalogue, especially in the European countries, is explained by simplicity of bringing in him resources and by relative simplicity of realization of search of necessity the internet of material for users.

SearchSpot was worked out at the end of 2003 and at once started in the internet in the test mode. An aim of creation of project was very prosaic. The group of the European programmers tried to create the layout of searching catalogue that in course of time would become an alternative to the most known world searching catalogue of Jayde. There were small hopes on instantaneous success, but works proceeded during practically everything 2003 even in the conditions of absence of financing.

After the start of test version of catalogue, his popularity at once began to increase, that surpassed the most optimistic prognoses even. Therefore in February, 2004 to the users the complete version of the first stage of searching catalogue of SearchSpot was officially presented.

For developers and proprietors of web-sites registration in the present version of searching catalogue of SearchSpot gives very much advantages, first of all it assists advancement in other leading searching systems of the world, because, since 2010, searching robots of all leading search engines, began to allude to the searching catalogue of SearchSpot. Lately the popular search engines of the world began strongly to emphasize the internet to the resources brought in the searching catalogue of Jayde.

A searching catalogue of SearchSpot is this presently generous amount the internet of resources the number of that exceeds the seven million pages of graphic and media content.

To bring in the web-site in the searching catalogue of SearchSpot simply enough and from the point of view of модерации and simplicity of procedure, that does him more attractive as compared to the searching catalogue of Jayde, that produces the overpriced enough requirements to the resources, that caused the outflow of users and creators of web-sites lately.

Financing of project SearchSpot is produced due to receivabless from an advertisement and financial inflowing of shallow sponsors, and similarly from requiring payment advancement some the internet of resources in other search engines and catalogues.

Bringing of the web-site in the searching catalogue of SearchSpot is produced on divisions and categories that is determined depending on the thematic orientation of content. Language problems at accessioning of web-site are not present, because he accepts to indexation web-sites on 56 languages of the world people. The interface of catalogue similarly is simple enough even for beginning users. The process of indexation of web-site occupies time not exceeding 72 hours from the moment of accessioning of web-site.

For users that produce the squeak of necessary resources by means of searching catalogue, except searching services, presented et al the internet services of informative character, a weather, courses of currencies, exchange news and other great deal, behave to the number of that.

Due to all enumerated, the searching catalogue of SearchSpot every day acquires new and new users in the conditions of hard competition from the side of other more known the internet of catalogues.

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