

Metasearch.com or, as she is yet named on the basic constituent of domen, search.com - West-European meta searching system that was worked out by the programmers-enthusiasts of a few European countries. An aim of creation of the searching system is realization of new technologies in area of realization of search in the internet. In other words, creation of this searching system was an experiment on introduction new at that time meta search the internet of resources. 

In the plans of creators of the system initially did not enter to create a competition to the leading search engines of the world, that were a success for users. It was assumed that the system would be able to bring over to itself attention only in the certain circles of young people that is interested in innovations in area of the internet of technologies. But already the first days of work of Metasearch.com became clear that the system will have the future and success with users, first of all, due to the simplicity in the use, good depth of search and absence of advertisement on the main page of interface of search engine.

Prosecution of creation of search of Metasearch.com were begun at the beginning of 2002 and came to an end a start for work of the system after monthly tests in January, 2003. Presentation of the system took place on January, 12, 2003 in the conference hall of the Berlin university.

At the beginning of the work there is the searching system Metasearch.com man-hunted only on the English and German languages, but modernisation of the system passed from 2006, here a search was extended and presently produced yet on a few European languages. 

Searching system Metasearch.com has a simple enough and accessible for users interface with an original searching machine that works on principle of meta search, that allows to the users to find necessary information on a set in the searching line of searching phrases or symbols.

Presently by the searching robot of machine Metasearch.com is investigational about 3 million pages of web-sites on 10 European languages, that allows in a certain measure to satisfy the queries of users that man-hunt. 

It is needed yet to mark that this searching system does not have serious sponsors that substantially would support her in a financial plan. Facilities on existence administration of the searching system gets from profits for the advertisement of resources that is given out in the given results of search on the first 4-5 places.

To the lacks of the searching system Metasearch.com it is possible to take long time enough, that leaves on indexation of new resources and renewed pages, that testifies to imperfection of searching machine of the system.

Not looking on the defects, system Metasearch.com is a success in the wide circles of student in Germany, Austria and Great Britain, and similarly in other English-language the world countries. On the last the internet to questioning, by the system Metasearch.com uses order of 20% students of these countries, that is a ponderable enough index.

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