

ImHalal - first on spaces of the internet islam search engine. A search engine was worked out by the Arabic programmer Reza Sardeh at sponsorship of sheiks of Oman and start for work in the internet at the end of September, 2009.

ImHalal differs from other search engines that does not give out results with content that conflicts with the postulates of islam. This search engine can distinguish the results of search settled for moslems from forbidden. 

The searching system ImHalal works on the basis of the three-ball system, estimating web-sites for the purpose their prohibition by islam dogmas, and, in case if the found web-sites have a high level of forbidenness for moslems or disparity to the norms of islam, suggests to set other terms of search or specify other searching phrases. 

So, for example, if an user will make an effort find materials of pornographic character, then the system will give out a report that this content is forbidden by the norms of islam and can not be given out by a search engine in demand of user. 

The searching machine of the searching system ImHalal is based on searching technologies of Inctomi and on principle of work very reminds her. The feature of this searching system consists in the set filters that sift from in the internet undesirable and incongruous to the norms of islam information.

Besides English, a web-site can find materials on other languages, in particular, on Arabic, Russian, French, Spanish and on the row of other languages and dialects.

In opinion of creator of service Reza Sardeh, new searching service of ImHalal will give an opportunity to the moslems to barrier itself and near from web-sites content of that falls short of to the laws of sheriat.

The new searching system is already approved by the moslems of the practically whole world and begins to be a success among moslem users.

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