

Baidu is the Chinese searching system that is a leader among the Chinese searching systems and searching systems of countries of south-east Asia. On the amount of the processed queries of pages of resources a searching web-site Baidu occupies the third place in the world (more than three with a half milliards of treat pages, that makes more than 5 percents from a general amount in a global search. 

The Japanese version of Baidu, that forced out Bing from Japanese the space internet literally for 2-3, started in 2002.

Baidu also has the on-line-encyclopaedia - Encyclopaedia of Baidu, that on the amount of addresses to her passed users Chinese Wikipedia.

There are more than 800 million, more than 90 million photos and images and about 15 million mediafiles web pages in the searching catalogue of Baidu.

In 2010 the basic web-site of the searching system Baidu was exposed to the attack of hackers from the "Iranian cybernetic army". Malefactors changed DNS of record and redirected a traffic on other web-site, what Baidu of irreparable damage caused.

In April, 2006 by the search engine of Baidu it was declared about the start of alternative project - Baidupedia. Already in three weeks she passed Chinese Wikipedia on the number of reasons. 

Presently the encyclopaedia of Baidu contains more than 5 million reasons (there are no more than 4 millions in English Wikipedia). The corrections brought in Baidupedia become visible not immediately, and pass through moderators and, probably, censors. At the same time, in Baidupedia there is the article about Wikipedia in that Wikipedia is described in the neutrally-positive key.

Long time in her there was information about her blocking in China, and references were even given to the mirrors of Wikipedia, on that it was possible to call on her main page. After a while references to the mirrors were cleaned, was left only reference to the official main page on that, however, from China to call to Wikipedia it was impossible to the removal of blocking. An interface is done by maximally comfortable for users from China. Visual style of enciklopedia is simple. References and bold type are supported in the articles only.

Comments are located внизу every page. Among the similar functions of Wikipedia a web-site supports editing, commentation and publication of reasons, and also function of history of changes in the article.

Presently the programmers of Baidu are develop the Russian-language version of search engine, that on the plans of guidance of the searching system must create competition to the leading Russian search engines, in particular Yandex, Nigma, Rambler, and some in general it is planned to force out from electronic space of Russia.

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