

lanl.arXiv is the American searching system that behaves to the class of the scientific searching systems. The system was worked out by the programmers of Los Alamos of national laboratory of nuclear researches in 2006 for systematization of scientific information and scientific electronic publications. Developments on creation of this searching system were conducted two with small years and made off in May, 2006 presentation of the searching system of lanl.arXiv, the name of that forms from the name of university that supervised and supported the process of her creation.

In itself this searching system is Los Alamos archive of electronic scientific publications and developments in different areas. It is collection of copies of reasons on physics, mathematics, nonlinear dynamics, computer science. 

By the aim of creation of the searching system of lanl.arXiv her developers had creation of searching catalogue for systematization and free exchange by scientific information. 

Ученные, that are the authors of scientific developments and reasons place them here to the official publication, and sometimes and quite without the aim of further publications. 

lanl.arXiv disposes a searching machine that systematizes entering her base information on thematic divisions. For this purpose the author of publication brings before indexation a searching machine the article in the database of the searching system, forming the catalogue of information the same.

The system is a success in the scientific circles of the USA and after his limits. Many West-european scientists use the database of lanl.arXiv for the scientific publications. Similarly large popularity this searching system uses in the countries of former Soviet Union and South-east Asia.



DMOZ is the most known European searching catalogue, or Open Catalogue of web-sites, as he itself names, or ODP (Open Directory Project) - prestige among all searching catalogues in the world. 

Registration of web-site in the catalogue of DMOZ is fundamentally important, especially when the question is about advancement in the searching systems. In particular, the leading search engines of the world strongly emphasize web-sites being in DMOZ catalogue.

There is even such concept, as general searching catalogue that is not that another, as complete copy of open catalogue, and on that there is a separate search in the search engines of Yahoo!, Yandex and Bing.

A catalogue of web-sites of DMOZ is vast collection of resurs, open for addition of web-site visitors. This project functions and moves up due to the collective of editors from different corners Earth that work voluntarily, estimating web-sites and adding them to the directory of ODP partitions. If the editor of division DMOZ approved a web-site, then he is added in accordance with the subjects of division that is divided by the great number of shallow categories.

A web-site needs to be added only to the division: for example, "program catalogue of films" - in the category of films or programs, et cetera. So-called catalogue of Yahoo! works on the basis of Open Catalogue of DMOZ.

However in the catalogue of Yahoo! web-sites are represented some по-иному, what in ODP. In a difference from many catalogues in that web-sites are situated without the account of their meaningfulness, resources in the catalogue of web-sites of Yahoo! assorted in order of importance them for users. It is determined Yahoo! on the basis of technology of PageRank, or PR, many other factors are here taken into account. At first blush to know quality of web-site and whether it is needed to visit him, the green strake of value PR stands opposite every reference. Thus, the best from the point of view of Yahoo!

Web-sites are shown on the first positions, but not hide among the great number of another web- resources.

To get in the catalogue of web-sites of DMOZ is a dream of many web-masters. And although registration of web-site in the catalogue of DMOZ is maximum simple, adding a web-site is succeeded only to units. Why? The point is that the editors of project are conduct very hard, but just politics of estimation of quality of the resource added to collection. We will put baldly: swingeing majority of Internet-projects does not have not the least chance to get in the catalogue of DMOZ.

Certainly, many their proprietors it seems to that their web-site answers the requirements of open catalogue to quality, but such errors rarely are sincere. At first blush on a main page to the editor is clear that web-master examines people as improvised material for realization of the plans, and to such web-sites a road in the open catalogue of DMOZ is closed. However, and to the look to the web-site not often reaches after reading that is given as the "name and description".

It is very important to pass registration in the catalogue of Open Directory from the first time. The point is that if a request on adding to Open Catalogue will be declined, then on her will do a mark: "Web-site on befits on reasons", and very unsoon an user will succeed to obtain, that a request was considered repeatedly. Therefore before to begin registration of web-site in the catalogue of DMOZ, it is vitally necessary to check all his pages for quality. 

In a word, how to estimate the web-site and educe defects, it is described. Since all of it will be removed, possible to pass directly to registration in a catalogue - to give a request on adding of web-site to DMOZ.

For the general taking on catalogues: "to register", but in catalogues it is accepted to write "Add Site" or "Submit URL". A registration statement in ODP consists of three fundamentally important moments. To add a web-site to the catalogue of DMOZ, it is necessary and enough, as they say mathematicians, to do the following:

It is correct to choose a division a web-site can be added in that.

Seriously to pick up words and fill by them a line the "Name of web-site".

Correctly to make description to the web-site, answering the requirements of ODP.

To enter kods done for protecting from automatic registrations.

To push the button "To Add a web-site to Open Catalogue".

First three points of registration of web-site in DMOZ catalogue quite not so simple, as seem at first blush! To suffice it to say that the incorrect choice of division, superfluous word in heading or even absence of point, at the end of description can forever recover a way to Your web-site in this prestige in the world catalogue of web-sites. And such happens with most web-sites at addition: they do not come even to that they were looked by the editor of division.

Clear that it is a theme for the separate article in that we will take apart, as correct to choose a division and fill a registration statement in open catalog DMOZ.

an open catalogue is extremely useful to advancement of web-site

to aim to get in DMOZ it is necessary it is necessary all methods

quality web-sites are accepted in Open Directory only

to drive the own web-site to the norm very unsimply

drafting of request on addition determines success

Not looking on all brought difficulties over with registration, a searching catalogue of DMOZ still is a success among users and developers of web-sites, similarly very widely used by other most known search engines of the world for determination of results of search.



Witch is the German searching system, that was worked out by programmers from Munich within the framework of the general project sent to systematization of the German resources of the internet. The aim of project was to create the catalogue of resources and pages for the searching system that would satisfy the queries of the German users on an one or another information retrieval.

The prosecutions of creation of this searching system began in January, 2002 at financing the internet of corporation Beerenberg under the direction of Rune Gart (on information of administration of the searching system he and now is the technical director of this structure). Presentation of the searching system Witch took place on July, 15, 2003 after three months of testing and tests on the internet space of Germany.

The searching system Witch has quickly renovating an index with a strong enough searching machine capable qualitatively to investigate resources during time. And it in turn allows then to find necessary information that is inquired in a search any user, on the set of searching phrases or words.

The about 8 million pages of resources are presently investigational the searching machine of Witch on the English and German languages, that can qualitatively and at high level to satisfy the queries of the German users. 

Much to our regret, Witch offers the small choice of variants of search presently, but on this defect moderators and administration of the searching system work constantly. 

Creators and proprietors of Witch are right to be proud of the created searching system, first of all because on the conducted questioning of the German users of the internet he is used by 7 percents from the incurrence of polled, that is a seventh index on Germany.

To the lacks of search engine of Witch it is necessary to take a limit orientation of search only on resources in German language or on resources with subjects, touching Germany. And therefore popularity of the searching system takes place only on territory of Germany, Austria and partly Switzerland. But it fully reasonably because this searching system has the brightly expressed territorial direction and geotarting.



Zubr is the Belarussian searching catalogue worked out and inculcated on the internet space of Belorussia at the end of 2008 state the internet by a company Beltraf for resources and users of Belorussia or oriented to the internet space of Belorussia. 

The system was worked out by the group of the Belarussian programmers on basis and principles of already existing in North America and Europe of searching thematic catalogues. 

The searching machine of Zubr works so that indexes the pages of resources that is brought in by their owners on the ratified form in the catalogue of this search engine. Pages of resources not accessioned by the searching machine of Zubr not indexed and in the results of search not represented. 

To the features of search engine of Zubr it is possible to take on by the Russian-language search, searchability on other languages, namely German, English, French and Spanish.

By the end of 2011 the about million pages of the studied and proindex resources were counted in the database of searching catalogue of Zubr.

Except services of search of resources in the internet, this searching system gives possibility to become familiar on the pages of the web-site with the latest news in area of politics, state, business and internet to the users, similarly with the useful articles on different themes and spheres of everyday life. Services of translation of text information are similarly given with the use of transcription of ten anchorwomen of the world languages. 

Zubr gives to the user complete enough to information in area of ecashs and electronic commerce, where the special attention is spared to such anchorwomen to the electronic payment systems, as EasyPay and WebMoney, exchange, input and conclusion of facilities from these systems, to the purchase of different commodities in the internet shops and to the receipt of services in a network for ecashs in these systems.

Quite possible, that in the near future, the searching system Zubr will grow into the valuable internet portal of Belorussia. And while to the lacks of the searching system Zubr it is possible to take her limit nature only the internet by space of Belorussia.



Clusty is the new enough searching system worked out by the group of engineers of programmers of the American company Vivisimo Inc. jointly with specialists and research workers of Carnegie Mellon University's.

Company Vivisimo Inc., that is specialized on software and systems of search development in the internet, started the бета-версию of the worked out search engine of Clusty of September, 30, 2004. 

A search engine was developed during four years and was adopted so by virtue of one of the features are groupments of results of search on different categories, id est clusterizations. Collecting, for example, the name of city in a query, on the left it will be possible to see specifying categories: hotels, business, tourism, history et cetera. For different queries categories are determined from the results of search, and according to their list will be also different. In addition, every web-site can be looked over straight on a page with the results of search in a small window (frame-е).

Vivisimo Inc. hoped to press Bing (36 percents) and Yahoo (29 percents) at the market of the searching systems of countries of South and North America. To take the internet space was planned due to an innovation in-process searching machine that by radical character differed from the searching machines of leading search engines of America. It was succeeded partly, but not in such scale, as be pre-arranged. Reason consisted of conservatism of users that did not begin to change to the habits to use the old and known already searching systems.

It was planned that the search engine of Clusty in перове time would be able to index approximately from 5 to 10 million web pages, that notedly yielded to the results of ведучих search engines. 

Modernizing a search machine, Clusty notedly promoted this result to 2 milliards of pages on the state on the end of 2011.

The searching system works so that practically deprived defects, and to her advantages it is necessary to take first of all an operationability at codeindexing of pages of resources. The new page of web-site in English language gets in the base of the system in the flow of 72 hours from the moment of publication, and it excels the indexes of such searching systems notedly, as Bing and Yahoo.

Presently the searching system Clusty develops dynamically. It is planned to adapt the interface of search engine under the language features of some countries of Europe and Asia, to work out the additional base of these resources on the German, French and Russian languages, and similarly to systematize an advertisement campaign on advancement of search engine in the internet space of countries of Eastern Europe and Asia.



Yahoo - one of the oldest search engines of the internet that uses enormous success with the USA and Canada, and similarly in a number of countries of Europe.

Yahoo was founded in 1994 and registered in city New York, as independent the internet enterprise.

Yahoo has the oldest searching catalogue in the Internet among all known searching systems of countries of America, where editors by hand distribute web-sites on categories. 

However, in October, 2002 Yahoo produced a large change, passing to the use of searching robot for the main results of search. 

To February, 2004 Yahoo used the database of Google. To date Yahoo uses the own technology of search. 

In addition to the excellent results of search on the main page of Yahoo an user can use located higher than searching line of book-mark, to search a picture, results from "YPS" or to use the excellent searching system Yahoo for being of commodities. It is similarly possible to visit the main page of Yahoo Search, where more specialized searching options are offered.

The catalogue of Yahoo continues to function. It is here possible to notice references to the thematic categories of catalogue in the underbody of page of results of search. In transition on references an user gets the list of web-sites that is added by the editors of Yahoo.

In addition, an user can search directly in the catalogue of Yahoo. For this purpose instead of main page of Yahoo the address of page is entered: dir.yahoo.com. Then an user will get references to the thematic categories of catalogue ("Related Directory Categories"), and results from a catalogue ("Directory Results"), that are most relevant to the query by web-sites from all categories of catalogue of Yahoo.

To be plugged in the commercial categories of catalogue of Yahoo, a web-site must pass requiring payment registration and get the consent of editors. Noncommercial web-sites are accepted in the catalogue of Yahoo free of charge. The program of acceptance of web-sites of Yahoo also offers the requiring payment plugging in the page of results of search of the searching system Yahoo. 

Yahoo promises that it will not influence on ranging. The program of search also free of charge gives out the web-sites of noncommercial organizations.

As well as Google, Yahoo offers the requiring payment placing of references to the web-site. They are for sale through Overture. Yahoo purchased Overture Services in October, 2003.

Overture to the end of 2001 GoTo was named. In March, 2003 Overture bought AllTheWeb, and in April of the same year - AltaVista. Now due to acquisition of Overture Yahoo is a proprietor both AllTheWeb and AltaVista.

Technology of AltaVista and AllTheWeb was incorporated with the searching system Inktomi, to create a present searching robot Yahoo. As is generally known, Yahoo bought Inktomi in March, 2003. Therefore results of search in Yahoo will be analogical with the results got in AltaVista and AllTheWeb.

Besides the squeak of Yahoo it is a social network, both MTA and catalogue of different information useful to the user yet and.

Lately Yahoo was adapted to the languages and the internet to space of row of countries of Asia and Eastern Europe, that allows to him it notedly to rise in rating of users.



Meta.ua is the Ukrainian internet portal that is for users most successful and popular in Ukraine in the field of grant of wide spectrum the internet of services. It, foremost, social network, row of informative and educational portals, giving most different information, news, MTA, on-line translator, there are more than 60 languages of the world in the base of котрого, and much other.

Among services there is a portal of Meta.ua gives to the users and searchability of the necessary Ukrainian resources in the internet.

The internet is a portal of Meta.ua was worked out and registered by an of the same name company at the end of 1999. Gradually with expansion of functions of portal, his administration worked out the system of search in the internet of necessary information. At the beginning for basis of search principle of work of searching machine of Yandex was taken, but with development of portal it was made decision about development of own searching machine that would differ from already existing. 

Since 2005, when the scopes of search broadened notedly, a portal had begun to use for realization of search already the own searching machine, that, as well as planned before, was not alike on principles of work on none of already existent machines, but all and was not deprived defects at first works.

Search engine of Meta.ua on the essence and on principle of work there is meta by the searching system (what his name talks about) and limit inquires the results of search and base of these systems uses that. However, as compared to the row of the alike and analogical searching systems, Meta.ua gives more fast access to necessary to the user of information.

To undeniable advantages of this searching system we take circumstance that a search comes true on keywords and phrases depending on a  resource in the catalogue of the system, id est from the place in rating, made the searching system. Rating of Meta.ua straight depends on the number of visits of resource users, id est, than higher visited and highly sought of web-site, the he higher will be in rating, and consequently and in a search. 

To not sufficiencies of the searching system Meta.ua it is necessary to take her limit nature the internet by space of Ukraine. By the searching machine of Meta.ua is indexed exceptionally web-sites about Ukraine or in Ukrainian language. Other web-sites or pages do not join in the searching rating.

By the end of 2011 in the database of the searching system Meta.ua was more than 2 million pages of resources that were studied and plugged in rating of the system.

Now Meta.ua popular enough portal and search engine among the users of Ukraine, that gives complete enough information, especially in the division of business, technique, science, jurisprudence, industry and agriculture.



WebCrawler is the new enough American search engine worked out by programmers and the internet by designers in 2002. By an aim given creations of the searching system it was to work out the searching system, that would unite in itself work of two quite different searching machines, belonging Google and Yahoo!.

This search engine started in the Internet after the protracted enough testing lasting a year without small. Such protracted period is explained by plenty of errors that were sufferet on the initial stages of development of search engine of WebCrawler.

Since beginning 2005 year of WebCrawler began to work in the normal mode, the scopes of search of WebCrawler broadened notedly, the searching system had processed the more than six million pages of the resources produced on the different languages of countries of America and Europe.

To basic advantages of the searching system WebCrawler it is possible to take that hybrid two basics of searching machines widespread in America turned out very successful and presently works without considerable errors. Consists the feature of work of searching machine of WebCrawler of that she quickly enough indexes the pages of resources without the additional bringing them in the database of the system, that characteristically for Yahoo! 

To not sufficiencies of the searching system WebCrawler it is possible to take that the system does not work on the search of photos, images and video, and gives on searching queries only text material.

The jump of popularity of WebCrawler is presently marked among the users of different countries, especially in Eastern Europe. It can be explained only one - by quality and plenitude of search of necessary resources especially English-language. The system presently works on the improvement of quality of search in area of video and images. More perfect version of searching machine in obedience to plans must be presented in February, 2013.