

Mail.ru - all the known Russian portal, as well as the great number of useful services has many other leading portals on the web-site, in the number of that social networks, e-mail, news, great number of other useful information. To the number of services of Mail.ru belongs service of necessary information retrieval in the internet. 

Not many known portals can boast the searching system. And Mail.ru can fully, because his searching system one of the best on spaces countries of former Soviet Union.

Search in the internet with the use of web-site Mail.ru is similar with many other searching resources, for example, search engines - Google or Yandex. As well as at Yandex, at the portal of Mail.ru searching сиcтема has a отделный url address - http://go.mail.ru for a search in the Internet, but carrying out a search is possible and from the main page of portal - Mail.ru, using a searching form.
It is needed to mark that searching system - Mail.ru not so is popular, as searching systems from Google or Yandex. But nevertheless - this comfortable service for a necessary information retrieval in the internet, and users all more often give preference to the search from Mail.ru.

Searching system Mail.ru checks up the more than 3 million web pages of web-sites in one time. The results of verification always satisfy users practically, as a system in a difference from some other search engines quickly enough indexes pages and for this purpose it is not needed separately to register oneself in Mail.ru.

Mail.ru allows to the web-sites to rise in the searching rating depending on their orientation and subjects, but not from the number of visitors or time of creation of web-site.
Mail.ru develops and improves in area of searching technologies, constantly offering to the user of innovation and innovation.

Mail.ru uses the own searching machine that fundamentally differs from the searching machines of the competitors in the best side.

Now searching system Mail.ru on territory of former Soviet Union on the number of users occupies the third position confidently, yielding only Google and Yandex, that in opinion of proprietors of Mail.ru, is the temporal phenomenon.

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